Ocean stories

Reef Cam

From the bottom of the sea direct to your screen

Reef Cam is Australia’s first ever rocky-reef, live-feed, combined under and above water webcam. Check out our own reality show below, staring some of Port Phillip Bay’s coolest residents – the local flora and fauna – including those from deep under the sea!

In early 2023, TNC handed over operation and management of Reef Cam, now known as The Great Southern Reef Camera Network, to our friends at Southern Ocean Environmental Link (SOEL). As a not-for-profit organisation based in Queenscliff, SOEL are just a short boat trip from the camera location. There is much more in store for Reef Cam so stay tuned as SOEL builds on TNC’s legacy!

Please note: The webcam is solar powered and therefore only operates during local daylight hours and when there is enough sun. A pre-recording will be shown when the live feed is offline.

From time to time the webcam will be temporarily turned off when scientists are engaged in webcam maintenance or research activities.

Underwater Live Feed

Live Reef Cam Watch live footage from reef cam

Reef Cam Highlights

Reef Cam highlights and a great video compiling the very best moments captured by our webcams

Located at Pope's Eye, within Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park, Victoria, the webcams give the world the chance to see some of the life teeming in Port Phillip Bay. With the underwater camera, we see a rich submarine habitat, home to fish, seals and even dolphins. Above the water, we have a great view of the birds that roost or nest in the area – such as Australasian Gannets and Black-faced Cormorants.

Thanks to support from the John T Reid Charitable Trusts, Reef Cam is now an important element of TNC’s Great Southern Reefs program.

All installation works were carried out in line with Parks Victoria’s issued Scientific and Works Permits, with every care taken to respect the natural values of this unique location.